Swachh Bharat Club


StrategistDr. D. Amirtharaj
CaptainDr. S. Mary Princess Sulekha
OrganiserDr. S. Aruna
PropagatorDr. M.Birundha Devi

Our aim is we keep our own houses clean and it is of no concern of ours to be careful about streets, lanes, parks or other public places. Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi as he was a great champion of the cleanliness cause in the country and throughout his life was involved in activities alerted to sanitation and Hygiene.
Beyond politics and inspired by patriotism following are the some important objectives of the Swachh Bharat

  • To eradicate the system of open defection of India
  • To convert the insanitary toilets into pour flush toilets
  • To remove the system of manual seaverging
  • To make people aware of healthy sanitation practices by bringing behavioral changes in people
  • To link people with the programmes of sanitation and public health in order to generate public awareness
  • To build up the urban local bodies strong in order to design execute and operate all systems related to cleanliness