Other Facilities


ECG (Electro Cardiogram) is a quick and pain free diagnostic tool to detect heart abnormalities by measuring and recording the electrical activity of the heart. ECG facility is available in Sri Sai Ram Siddha Medical College Hospital OPD and IPD.


We are committed to provide accurate and enticing diagnosis using the most modern and innovative diagnostic procedures, we offer a wide laboratory services including Hematology, Microbiology, Cytopathology, hormonal tests, urine and stool analysis etc.


The quality management is the essence of our sociability and service strategy. Besides we have an x-ray lab offering the latest in scientific advances at an affordable cost. We strive to deliver accuracy in every single test each time and every time.


Ultrasound is a type of scanning technique that uses high frequency sound waves to produce images to the structures inside the body. Ultrasound is recommended for the assessment of breast lump, evaluation of the thyroid gland, abnormalities of urogenital and GI tract.USG facilities is available in Sri Sai Ram Siddha Medical College Hospital OPD & IPD


Casualty department is a medical treatment facility specializing in emergency medicine. The acute care of patients who present without prior appointment either by their own means or by that of an ambulance. The emergency department is usually found in a hospital. Due to unplanned nature of patient attendance, the department must provide, initial treatment for a broad spectrum of illnesses, some of which may be life- threatening and require immediate action. The emergency department of our hospital operate 24 hours a day although staffing level may be varied in an attempt to reflect patient volume.


Our Sairam pharmacy is fully designed with all latest instruments such as pulverizer, motorized kalvam, pills cutting machine, liquid filling machine, oil filling machine, capsule filling machine etc. We prepare all internal and external medicines as per siddha literature.

We are procuring high quality raw drugs and herbals from various manufacturers in Tamil Nadu. All processes are complaint with the prevailing procedures, laws and regulations laid down by medical and medico legal authorities.

In our Sairam Pharmacy right from the formulations, filling, finishing, testing and distributing everything is customized.


An Ambulance is available in our hospital campus, equipped with life support equipments and is usually crewed by paramedical staff, those who are needed tertiary care will be shifted to nearby tertiary care hospital at any time [24×7].


Availability of daily transport facility around Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College Hospital vicinity to and from for the needy people, those who are Elderly, Paediatric age groups, Physically challenged persons, and Hemiplegic Cases etc, Special arrangements made for physically challenged persons, Paraplegic & Hemiplegic cases in transport & bed allotments. It is useful for the easy accessibility to hospital.


A canteen with modern facilities is available within the campus and is open for staff, students and visitors. The canteen with a seating capacity in excess of 100 serves healthy and hygienic foods. The modern kitchen utilities available at the canteen help reduce the time taken to prepare each meal and also to serve it hot.


Laundry facility with washing machines is available at both the boy’s and girl’s hostel which can be used anytime


In the department of Aruvai maruthuvam, we are doing many therapies like suttigai (cauterization), Nasiyam(eye srops), Attai Vidal (leech therapy) for Nalavibatham ( varicose veins) , Nalavibatha pun (varicose ulcer), karappan( eczema), naga padalam ( pterygium), katti (abcess) etc. students gain knowledge through the external therapies.



In minor operation theatre, we do cleaning and dressing with medicated oil for wounds, abscess, and cuts. Siddha medicines are very effective in curing diabetic ulcer and varicose ulcers.
