Founder Chairman’s Message

Our vision is based on hard work, open communication, a strong emphasis on team work and a high level responsibility. This visionary culture allows and emphasizes our wards not only to adopt the present day challenges but also to realize their individual responsibilities to the society and our nation at large.

Learning should be based on doing things and not merely knowing things. Until and unless learning solutions relates real life and motivate the learner to acquire and apply the knowledge, the whole process will remain superficial. The medical institution worth its name, looks to optimize the welfare and well being of humankind. Our institution has set special objectives and planned activities for achieving excellence in all spheres of medical education.

The service of the institution in creating personally mature, professionally equipped and service- oriented graduation is really worth mentioning. We strongly believe in academic excellence and do not compromise on on Teaching, Standard and Discipline. These three things are the springboards on which we operate.

People who feel good about themselves produce good results and people who produce good results feel good at themselves. We also believe in total learning and sharing. Have a visit to Sai Leo Nagar and feel good to get good education.
