Eve’s Club


StrategistDr. P. Bama
CaptainDr. K. Kesavakumari
OrganiserMs. V. Poorna Pushkala
PropagatorDr. E. Ponmalar
ExecutorDr. E. Nandhini


  • To create an array on effective global mobilization to innovate leadership qualities.


  • Coordinate women’s day event
  • Organize awareness creating programme in still development and self confidence
  • Focus on knowledge explore events on vocational training course
  • Pivot on special counseling to women on physical and emotional disturbances in different area of their life.
  • Documentation on progress of women in our college
  • Address all the basic needs of a women inside the premises.
  • Coordinate activities in preventing eve teasing and raging
  • Arrange the lectures of eminent business woman and foucs on leadership qualities
  • State an art in developing their own business and women empowerment
  • Identify and focus on amboridered talents in their state of art.
  • Conduct health care camps
  • Organize events to revitalize as a token of relaxation
  • Provide a plat form for leating self dyence arts
  • Aim to provoke man in man so to treat woman so woman.