Disaster Management Club


StrategistDr. E. Ponmalar
CaptainDr. R. Sathyaseela
OrganiserDr. S. Kanimozhi
PropagatorDr. A. Thirugnanam
ExecutorDr. R. Sonitha

Aim & Objectives:

  • To engage in activities which may help in minimizing the damage caused by disaster specially in rural areas.
  • To make creating awareness about the disasters to people and to prepare them in such a situations
  • To act as a agency for the execution of disaster schemes or the Government and NGOs
  • To evalue the information reporting and monitoring tools for preparedness immediate response and damage assessment.
  • Rescue Children specially those who are the victims of flood earth equake and similar other disaster in rural & urban area.
  • Conducting awareness and Free medical camps regarding infectious diseases in affected areas.